Community News

Tennessee Homeowners Assistance Fund (TNHAF)

On January 10, 2022, $168M in funding was received by the state and is being administered by THDA. The Tennessee Homeowners Assistance Fund (TNHAF) program is to assist homeowners who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with mortgage payments and other housing-related costs. To apply, Click-Here.
Below are some of the requirements but are not all-inclusive. A TNHAF underwriter will review the application and determine eligibility according to TNHAF guidelines.
    • “Housing Costs” include:
        ◦ Mortgage Payments
        ◦ Past due HOA fees
        ◦ Homeowner’s Insurance
        ◦ Property Taxes
    • COVID-19 Hardship includes:
        ◦ Unemployment or Underemployment – Significant Reduction in Income
        ◦ Substantial increase in expenses directly related to COVID
    • Households may apply for assistance up to $40K (TOTAL)
        ◦ Can be used to catch up on payments
        ◦ May pay up to 6 months moving forward
        ◦ Can apply multiple times if a new COVID hardship is incurred
    • Household income less than $119,850
    • For homeowners who are not eligible for this program, other options may be available through an individual’s mortgage servicer.
Please share this information with your network to assist homeowners who need this assistance.


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